Developer, researcher, designer, sound whisperer… Peter does a bit of everything! He’s the kind of person who doesn’t just stop at making software sound cool—he needs it to look and feel
like it’s come from another planet (in a good way). When he’s not building tools, you might find him arguing with code or insisting his latest idea is “definitely not over the top.”
Karsten (a.k.a. Code Wizard)
Our resident code-crusher, Karsten has recently joined the adventure to turn Peter’s wild visions into reality. Based in Germany (like Peter), he’s the guy who makes sure everything works
smoothly behind the scenes. Karsten writes code so clean it sparkles—and we’re almost sure he speaks in C++ when no one's around.
Our sound sorcerer with a decade of audio wizardry, Databroth’s presets power up synths like Vital and Dawesome Abyss—and are regularly heard in films and games. Inspired by science, sci-fi, and
all things glitchy, he’s here to make sounds that’ll twist your brain (in the best way). When he's not crafting wild textures for Dawesome, he’s busy sharing his sonic secrets on YouTube and
bringing the vibes to customer support.
And no worries. I have no time to spam you.